-- Director 8 View Description List -- Copyright 1999 Macromedia, Inc. -- $Revision: 7 $ -- Vector tab of Property Inspector [ #vectorShape: [ #comment: "Vector", #symbol: #vectorShape, #picture: [7900, 13], #helpTopic: 3508, #propertyDescriptionList: [ #title: [ #comment: "Stroke Properties", #title: true ], #strokeColor: [ #format: #color, #comment: "The color of the shape outline." ], #strokeWidth: [ #format: #float, #comment: "The width, in pixels, of the shape outline.", #range: [ #min: 0.0, #max: 12.0, #granularity: .5 ] ], #closed: [ #format: #boolean, #comment: "When TRUE, a final line segment is drawn between the starting and ending vertices to close the shape. Otherwise, the shape is left open. Open shapes have no fill, regardless of the fillMode property." ], #title: [ #comment: "Fill Properties", #title: true ], #fillMode: [ #format: #symbol, #range: [ #none, #solid, #gradient ], #comment: "Determines how the shape is filled. A value of #none leaves the shape unfilled. A value of #solid fills the shape with the solid color specified by the fillColor property. A value of #gradient fills the shape with a gradient. This property has no effect if the closed property is false." ], #fillColor: [ #format: #color, #comment: "The color used to fill the shape. If the fillMode is #gradient, this color is used as the beginning color of the gradient." ], #endColor: [ #format: #color, #comment: "The end color used when filling the shape with a gradient." ], #backgroundColor: [ #format: #color, #comment: "The background color of the shape." ], #gradientType: [ #format: #symbol, #range: [ #radial, #linear ], #comment: "Determines what type of gradient is used to fill the shape, either linear or radial. This property is only relevant if the fillMode is set to #gradient." ], #fillScale: [ #format: #float, comment: "The percentage of the shape used when filling a gradient. A value of 100 spreads the gradient across the entire shape. Smaller values only spread across a portion of the shape. Larger values spread the gradient across an area larger than the shape being filled." ], #fillDirection: [ #format: #float, #range: [ #min: 0, #max: 360, #granularity: 1 ], #comment: "The angle at which a linear gradient renders. A value of zero fills the shape from left to right. Positive angles proceed counterclockwise around the shape. This property has no effect on radial fills." ], #fillOffset: [ #comment: "An offset to where a gradient begins. A radial fill adds this offset to the center of the shape to determine the center of the gradient. A linear fill adds this offset to the edge of the shape to determine the start of the gradient." ], #fillCycles: [ #format: #integer, #range: [ #min: 1, #max: 7, #granularity: 1 ], #comment: "The number of times a gradient cycles from the fill color to the end color." ], #title: [ #comment: "Display Properties", #title: true ], #scaleMode: [ #format: #symbol, #range: [ #showAll, #noBorder, #exactFit, #autoSize, #noScale ], #comment: "Determines how the shape is scaled to fit in the sprite bounds. See the Lingo Dictionary for details." ], #scale: [ #format: #float, #range: [ #min:0, #max:100 ], #comment: "A scale factor applied to the sprite when drawing it on Stage." ], #antiAlias: [ #format: #boolean, #comment: "When TRUE, the shape renders with smooth, anti-aliased edges. Otherwise, it renders faster with jaggier edges." ], #centerRegPoint: [ #format: #boolean, #comment: "When TRUE, the registration point of this member is kept at the center of the shape's bounding rectangle, even if the shape changes. When FALSE, the registration point remains at its location relative to the shape's original bounding rectangle unless explicitly set." ], #regPointVertex: [ #format: #integer, #comment: "If nonzero, the registration point of this member will be kept at the location of the specified vertex. If zero, the setting for centerRegPoint is used for updating the registration point." ], #directToStage: [ #format: #boolean, #comment: "When TRUE, the shape will render directly to the screen. Otherwise, it will render into Director's offscreen buffer first. Direct to Stage members play back with the highest possible performance, but cannot overlap other sprites. Non-Direct to Stage members can layer with other sprites, at the expense of some performance." ], #vertexList: [ #getprop: false, #comment: "The list of the vertex and control handle locations determining the vector shape cast member." ], #originMode: [ #format: #symbol, #range: [ #center, #topLeft, #point ], #comment: "Determines the origin for the coordinate space of the vector shape. When set to #center, the origin is at the center of the cast member. When set to #topLeft, the origin is at the top left corner of the cast member." ] ], #itemDescriptionList: [ #strokeColorPic: [ #type: #picture, #picture: [7800, 24], #left: 2, #top: 5, #right: 22, #bottom: 5 + 20, #comment: "Stroke Color" ], #strokeColor: [ #type: color, #property: #strokeColor, #left: 30, #top: 5, #right: 30 + 20, #bottom: 5 + 20 ], #strokeColorField: [ #type: #field, #property: #strokeColor, #left: 30 + 20 + 5, #top: 5, #right: 30+ 20 + 70, #bottom: 5 + 20 ], #fillColorPic: [ #type: #picture, #picture: [7800, 23], #left: 2, #top: 32, #right: 22, #bottom: 32 + 20, #comment: "Fill Color" ], #fillColor: [ #type: #color, #property: #fillColor, #left: 30, #top: 32, #right: 30 + 20, #bottom: 32 + 20 ], #strokeColorField: [ #type: #field, #property: #fillColor, #left: 30 + 20 + 5, #top: 32, #right: 30+ 20 + 70, #bottom: 32+ 20 ], #unfilled: [ #type: #radioButton, #property: #fillMode, #picture: [7605, 0], #range: #none, #left: 30, #top: 60, #right: 30 + 20, #bottom: 60 + 17, #comment: "No Fill" ], #filled: [ #type: #radioButton, #property: #fillMode, #picture: [7605, 1], #range: #solid, #left: 49, #top: 60, #right: 49 + 20, #bottom: 60 + 17, #comment: "Solid" ], #gradient: [ #type: #radioButton, #property: #fillMode, #picture: [7605, 2], #range: #gradient, #left: 67, #top: 60, #right: 67 + 20, #bottom: 60 + 17, #comment: "Gradient" ], #widthLabel: [ #type: #label, #text: "Stroke Width", #left: 32, #top: 82, #right: 32 + 80, #bottom: 82 + 16 ], #strokeWidth: [ #property: #strokeWidth, #left: 27, #top: 97, #right: 27 + 134, #bottom: 97 + 16 ], #closed: [ #property: #closed, #left: 30, #top: 118, #right: 30 + 16, #bottom: 118+ 16 ], #closedLabel: [ #type: #label, #text: "Closed", #left: 30 + 16 + 3, #top: 118, #right: 30 + 60 + 16 + 3, #bottom: 118 + 18 ], #scaleIcon: [ #type: #picture, #picture: [7800, 5], #left: 2, #top: 150, #right: 22, #bottom: 170, #comment: "Scale Mode" ], #scaleMode: [ #property: #scaleMode, #left: 31, #top: 152, #right: 31 + 80, #bottom: 152 + 16, #range: [ "Show All", "No Border", "Exact Fit", "Auto-Size", "No Scale" ] ], #percentIcon: [ #type: #picture, #picture: [7800, 6], #left: 2, #top: 180, #right: 22, #bottom: 180 + 20, #comment: "Percent Scale" ], #scale: [ #type: #field, #property: #scale, #left: 31, #top: 180, #right: 31 + 56, #bottom: 180 + 20 ], #perc: [ #type: #label, #text: "%", #left: 31 + 56 + 6, #top: 184, #right: 31 + 56 + 16, #bottom: 184 + 16 ], #aa: [ #property: #antiAlias, #left: 31, #top: 208, #right: 31 + 16, #bottom: 208 + 16 ], #aaLabel: [ #type: #label, #text: "Anti-alias", #left: 30 + 16 + 3, #top: 208, #right: 30 + 60 + 16 + 3, #bottom: 208 + 18 ] ] ] ]